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Rolling news broadcasts, a global online audience and the pressure to be visible during a crisis mean that delivering a successful media interview has never been more important.


However confident a leader may be, standing in front of a camera can be a daunting and lonely experience. Fears about saying 'the wrong thing’ - or forgetting what you wanted to say entirely - are both natural and not uncommon.


Yet media interviews can sometimes offer an unrivalled opportunity to raise the profile of your organisation, enhance its reputation and attract interest in what you do and what you have to say.


It’s not hard to find companies offering media training but the quality can vary widely. With 25 years’ experience of empowering people to speak to the media on behalf of their organisations, my training contains four key ingredients for success that you may struggle to find elsewhere:



​​1. It’s bespoke, addressing your specific needs.

No two organisations are the same, so there should be no such thing as ‘off the peg’ media training.​ We'll focus on your individual requirements to ensure you achieve your objectives. 


2. You'll learn not only how to deliver powerful, effective media interviews, but how to deliver them with confidence.  

Feeling nervous before a media interview is completely normal. You'll learn simple techniques to transform those nerves into feeling prepared and confident – results that occur a lot sooner than you might imagine.


3. It’ll equip you for a myriad of situations.  

Previous participants often tell me that the media training skills they learned have also helped them to deal with other situations, such as challenging meetings and difficult conversations.


4. It’s fun!

People learn best when they're enjoying themselves! Participants love the opportunity to try something different, engage in role-play and master new skills, often quickly forgetting any nerves they may have had. 



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