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No organisation is immune from a crisis that could damage a hard-earned reputation.


This is particularly true for organisations with a safeguarding responsibility. Just one incident at a school or university, an accident at a nursery or sports club or a poor decision in a care home can set off a chain of events from which it can be difficult to recover. Worse still is the threat from the small minority who choose to work with children and vulnerable adults for all the wrong reasons, often resulting in the involvement of police and other agencies.


The sensitivity, authenticity and speed of your response are crucial. If a problem is foreseeable and there's time to prepare, there are steps you can take right now that could make a material and positive difference to what happens in the future.  


While big agencies might excel at creative PR and marketing campaigns, dealing with a crisis requires attention to detail, hands-on experience and a proven track record of successful outcomes.  


With a background in safeguarding and criminal justice combined with over 25 years of crisis communications, reputation management and media relations, I am uniquely qualified to support organisations for whom safety and wellbeing is an absolute necessity.

"A first-class communications expert…insightful, decisive and really strong on strategic positioning and options. The best communications professional I’ve ever worked with.”

Miriam Rich
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